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Dear Wild Goose Members and Friends,                                                     April 16, 2019


With the longer days and warmer nights the woods are waking up.  Crocus and daffodil bulbs are pushing through the earth, forsythia and magnolia are blooming and robins and finches are busy collecting twigs and building nests.  Blue herons and mallards have returned to the pond and the seasonal stream is bubbling away. Already the Wild and Free children have taken to exploring the woods with their parents in tow.  We are looking forward to another season with you of learning, playing and growing together.


Please mark your calendars for our opening day, Saturday, May 4th.  We will open with a member and friends brunch and, afternoon workshops and outdoor games.  We hope you can join us. (May 2016 update:  due to the storm damage this event has been rescheduled for Saturday May 11th from 10:30-1pm for the brunch and a forest walk thru with a storm damage clean up from 1-4pm.)


Workshops this year will include a wide variety of ideas for supporting our families’ well-being, including a new discussion group series for parents, “Nurturing Ourselves and Raising Engaged Healthy Kids." (fall 2019)  We’ll be growing and preserving healthy and delicious organic food, and building resilience by reducing stress and anxiety with art, self-care and time in the woods. Check the workshop page for a list of current offerings.  Let us know if there is something you would like to offer to others as it fits into the mission of the farm.  


For those who like to garden, landscape and build, we will host a number of work/learn projects where you can develop useful skills and learn regenerative methods that help to build soil, sequester carbon and reduce our reliance on petrochemicals.  Projects include forest restoration, green building, edible landscapes and permaculture gardening. No experience needed. Just let us know when you sign up what your interest is and we’ll contact you.


Of course, in the spring and fall we’ll gather for campfire cookouts and sing-alongs where we can enjoy delicious food, explore the woods, sing together, and simply enjoy each others’ company.


July brings a wonderful group of teens to engage in Theatre, Arts and Food Week where these young people can let their creative energy flow as they develop theatre skills, artistic talents and grow, harvest and cook delicious organic food.  The culminating performance on the evening of July 10th, open to all, is a highlight of the year.


Beyond the workshops and events, starting in June we offer some u-pick opportunities with both wild and cultivated fruit including raspberries, mulberries, blueberries, gooseberries, currants and elderberries.  A limited supply of mushrooms, herbs and eggs will also be available for members at discounted prices. Our fall harvest will include delicious European pears and apples.


Your membership also supports our mission of creating an outdoor community learning space.  As always, we will be hosting a number of college and public school students to engage in learning-by-doing projects.  This spring we are hosting environmental engineering and humanities classes and student volunteers as well as creating a menu of activities for middle school students and teachers.


Click here to renew or become a member.


We are looking forward to another wonderful year working together to contribute to building a resilient and thriving community.  We hope you will join us.


The K-G’s


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