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Committed to Zero Waste Events


Wild Goose Farm is committed to providing a sustainable atmosphere for our events. This is why we aim for our events to become zero waste. We realize that, this being our first big event, completely eradicating waste may not be possible, but we have set up what we think is necessary to get one step further to our goal. Being mindful of waste is one of the first steps to recycling and composting more. While you are here at the event, please ask yourself if you can reuse, recycle or compost the item before throwing it in the trash bin. Every little bit helps and we thank you for your contribution to our earth.


The planet needs our help, and here at Wild Goose Farm, we are determined to answer her call by educating on the importance of sustainability, as well as community and outdoor time. Zero waste is a concept that may seem crazy at first, but people all over the world are taking part and we would like to join their efforts by cutting down our impact. So, while you are here enjoying the activities, if you come up with any ideas on making our farm more sustainable and/or reducing waste, we’d love to hear them! Just head on over to our information table. We all need to collaborate to be able to think well about our planet, and that is what we want to do here, for today and tomorrow.

If you want to learn more about zero waste, check out or   Thanks.

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