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Outdoor Learning Circles


The Outdoor Learning Circles offers you a weekly time to gather safely outside at Wild Goose Farm with two other remote learning families with the intention to support you in the hard work of pandemic parenting and to give your children an opportunity to spend time exploring and learning outside with their friends.


Remote learning has children on screens for a high percentage of their waking hours. Children need to move, be outside, and spend time with others. (We do too!) The natural setting at the farm is a beautiful space for us to do just that. While the children are exploring and spending time with their friends, we will gather as parents to share experiences and learn from each other.


This is a time for you to connect with other parents, to fill yourself up so that the next week of remote learning is easier.  


Each week, I’ll introduce to you a learning activity to try at the farm or at home and an article for parents to help in supporting their remote learner/homeschooler at home. 


In addition, families participating in the outdoor learning circles will have the opportunity to return to the farm two other times either independently or with one or two other families with whom you have decided to form a circle to engage in self-directed learning activities at Wild Goose Farm (through mid November). Explore the farm, follow your child’s lead, and be present to what unfolds. You will find yourself amazed at all the learning and fun that happens when we let go. 

You can also choose to walk or run the trails, do the WGF self-guided bird identification walks, or try one of the learning activities I will provide for you. 


In the words of Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder, “Time in nature is not leisure time; it's an essential investment in our children's health (and also, by the way, in our own).”


Friday, Oct 30th, 1-3pm (Discussion: Stress Reduction Strategies)

Friday, Nov 6th 1-3pm (Discussion: Emotional Resilience)

Friday, Nov 13th 1-3pm  (Discussion: TBA)


Spring 2021 Dates TBA


$50-75 for three sessions, some pay what you can slots available or free for those in need. Max 3 families; at the farm, outside, at a distance & with masks as the families decide. To sign up, email Kathy at Send payment via paypal or venmo. 


Parent Support Groups 


As a parent, I know first hand, that we are under tremendous pressure. I also know parents are the most creative, resilient problem solvers I know. I invite you to join a parents support parents learning at home group for an opportunity to support and learn from one another during these challenging times. To participate, gather a small group of like-minded parents you know or simply sign up and tell me a bit about yourself and I will try to form small groups based on similar parenting styles and values.


Days and times to be decided upon by the small groups.


$5-$10 per session, some pay what you can slots available or free for those in need. Min 3 parents -max 6 parents; either on zoom or at the farm, outside, at a distance & with masks as the group decides. To sign up, email Kathy at

Send payment via paypal or venmo.  



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